Braai Cones These are great fun for the kids to put together. Endless options for fillings; cherries, chocolate, marshmallow… Ingredients: sugar cones mini marshmallows (or large […]
Toad in the Hole A British classic made the South African way. Hearty pork sausages surrounded but a light batter served with carrots, sweet potato and […]
Sundried Tomato, Feta & Olive no-knead Pot Bread You just can’t beat freshly baked homemade bread! Hands down one of my favourites. Ingredients: 3 cups flour […]
Mango Orange Smoked Kassler Steaks with Seared Pineapple The kids smashed these! Sneaking in loads of peas and corn was child play with the tangy sweet […]
Maple and Bacon Sweet Potatoes 4 fantastic flavours combined to make the perfect side dish to any braai. Ingredients: 4 sweet potatoes 200g bacon 250ml sour […]