Ginger, Lemongrass & Beer Blade Steak – Beat your budget with PotjieKing
Lentil Potjie Recipe – So good you won’t miss the meat!
The perfect companion to any Braai or Potjie.
Softly sweet and wonderfully moist.
Mielie Potjie Bread Recipe
Ingredients for your Mielie Potjie Bread Recipe:
700g Self Raising Flour
820g (2 tins) cream-style Sweetcorn
4 Eggs, beaten
2 Tsp Salt
60 ml Melted Butter
120ml warm Milk
1 Tsp Paprika
Mielie Potjie Bread Recipe – Method
- We used a no 10 flat-bottomed pot for this recipe
- Mix the eggs, sweetcorn, salt, and butter in a large bowl.
- Now stir in the flour and paprika. The mixture will be quite sticky.
- Smear some butter on the inside of your flat-bottomed Potjie Pot.
- Sprinkle some flour inside your potjie pot to lightly cover the bottom and sides.
- Turn the dough out into your potjie pot.
Pack 18 or so briquettes onto the coal grid inside your PotjieKing™ and place a couple firelighters in the bottom section and get that going. Once the briquettes have turned grey / whitish, use braai tongs to remove 10 / 11 briquettes and pack them evenly around the top of the Potjie Pot lid. Space the remaining 6 / 7 briquettes evenly on the coal grid inside your PotjieKing and then put the braai grid on. Carefully place your potjie pot onto the PotjieKing and bake for an hour and fifteen minutes and then check if it’s ready. You may need an extra pair of hands to assist you to check if your bread is ready. Lift the lid slightly on one side, without letting any ash fall in and stick a skewer into the bread. It should come out clean. When it’s ready, remove the leftover briquettes from the potjie pot lid and put them back into the PotjieKing. Blow the ash off the lid before opening the potjie properly. Turn your bread onto a cooling rack, once cooled spread liberally with butter (and a sprinkle of salt if you’re like us) and enjoy!
Note: If it is a windy day its best to cook this one behind a windbreak or make sure that you turn the pot around every now and again so that one side doesn’t continually lose heat from the wind. It may also be an idea to add a few more coals if they are particularly small.
”The smell of good bread baking, like the sound of lightly flowing water, is indescribable in its evocation of innocence and delight.”
—M.F.K. Fisher